Translatecanada.com is an expedited certified French to English and English to French translation services that can serve clients in major Canadian cities, like Toronto, Mississauga, Hamilton, Burlington, Markham, Kingston, Montreal, Oakville, Ottawa, Quebec, Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax, Saskatoon, Vancouver, Winnipeg etc. You may visit our offices in Toronto, Markham, Ottawa or Vancouver or do everything on-line. Our experienced French - English and English - French translators who are graduates from major universities provide outstanding translation with ATIO certification or without it. The variety of French translation jobs that we do is wide and includes but not limited to birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, passport stamps, powers of attorney, diplomas, contracts, police clearance certificates, immigration documents, etc. Fill out quote request form here to find out details about the translation of your documents. The translated documents are usually sent to clients by Canada Post regular mail FREE of charge!

Translatecanada.com peut rendre des services de traduction certifiée urgente du français en anglais et de l’anglais en français dans telles villes canadiennes que Toronto, Mississauga, Hamilton, Burlington, Markham, Kingston, Montréal, Oakville, Ottawa, Québec, Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax, Saskatoon, Vancouver, Winnipeg etc. Nos traducteurs et interprètes experts du français en anglais et de l’anglais en français font des traductions parfaites avec la certification ATIO (Association des traducteurs et interprètes de l’Ontario) ou sans la certification. Nous faisons des traductions différentes en français et vice versa, par exemple des documents suivants: les actes de naissance, les actes de mariage, les actes de divorce, les mentions sur le franchissement de la frontière, les procurations, les diplômes, les contrats, les attestations de non-poursuite, les documents d’immigration etc. Les documents traduits sont envoyés aux clients par envoi postal Canada Post gratuitement!

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French Translation Service FAQ

Q: How much you charge for your translation services?
A: Our charge for translation services depends on many factors including the volume and complexity of the text that we need to translate from French to English. To find out exact price of your document to be translated please click HERE.

Q: What is your French to English translation of documents looks like?
A: Our French to English translation of documents looks like: the translation itself, copy of the document and the declaration of the translator.

Q: What is special for French to English translation in Canada and English to French translation in Canada?
A: The special aspect for French to English translation in Canada and English to French translation in Canada is that we localize the translation to French Canadian.

Q: What is the best English to French and French to English translation app?
A: We can not recommend the best English to French and French to English translation app. For free french to english translation online of common words you may use Google or some other translation software available on the web. Or as simpe solution use English-French dictionaries.

Q: Could you translate into French from languages other than English?
A: Yes, we can translate into French from languages other than English: we can translate into French from Chinese, from Chinese into Spanish, from Chinese into Italian, from Chinese into Arabic, from Chinese into Russian, etc.

Q: Could you do translation french to english victoria bc?
A: Yes, we can do translation french to english victoria bc, as well as french to english translation calgary, french to english translation canada, french to english translation nyc, french to english translation montreal, french to english translation dubai, etc.

Q: What are your french to english translation rates in India?
A: Our french to english translation rates in India are the same as everywhere. To find them out click on 'Get Free Quote Now!' button.

Q: What is french to english translation how are you?
A: French to english translation how are you is 'Comment allez-vous'.

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